The 21st century created a few new disorders and “being busy” definitely is one. We don’t necessarily work harder than our ancestors, it just became more difficult to find the off button inside our head. Times are constantly changing, our phones always ringing and windows popping up out of nowhere. We have to look perfect in real life and on social media, go to the gym at least 5 times a week, having an 8 to 9 job, maintain our social lives, cook healthy and keep our households going.

I already skip the gym and thank god pizza is my best friend… still it’s sometimes hard to find some extra time for myself. But hey, I can’t complain! At least my life is more interesting than when I would have lived in the 20th century and had to work outside on a field every day, all year long! And if I would have been born in Bangladesh I’d probably be sewing cheap clothes 12 hours a day for the rest of my life.

Our lives really aren’t that bad, we just need to be honest with ourselves. If we’d already stop believing these 5 lies, things will go a lot easier!

1. Being busy will bring fulfillment

Of course we feel fulfilled when a project goes well or when we finally finish that great presentation at 2 in the morning. In the short run it will give you a kick but after a few years you’ll feel quenched. When at a certain point you’re so busy that you don’t have time for yourself, your friends or your family it’s highly recommended to take a few steps back.

2. Money equals happiness

You definitely need money to survive, it’s obvious that financial debts lead to stress. The problem is that we always want new and more things but therefore we need more money which leads to more work. If we’d just be happier with what we already have quite some problems would vanish instantly.

3. We need to keep up with everyone else

Social status has always been important but back in the days you were born with it, now almost everyone can become a “celebrity”. We’re constantly comparing ourselves to others and it’s all about harder, better, faster & stronger. Social media also made it easy to measure popularity and status. But when did a number ever make you happy?

4. It just looks cool to have a crazy career

Being busy almost became a status, even if you aren’t it looks good to act busy so others wouldn’t think you’re a nobody.

5. I don’t have a choice

We tend to do things for the demand of others, you see yourself through someone else’s eyes and you’ll only be satisfied if you pleased them. It’s ok to think of others but never ever leave yourself out of account, you always have a choice.

Don’t make a fool out of yourself and be quiet, lazy, unoccupied, inactive or whatever you like to call it. Not being busy will become the new black!

Photo: Pinterest