I don’t know if I ever mentioned where I got the name of my blog from but actually I got inspired by “The Book of Ruth”, a story in the Tanakh and Old Testament, written approximately a 1000 years before Christ. Discovered its existence while being bored after a religion exam and the only book I had with me was the Bible. So even if you’re not a believer, our society is steeped in religion whether it’s the way we are called, time, architecture or our language.

Opium for the people

Personally I think it’s weird that entire societies are still enveloped by a few stories that have been written 2000, even 3000, years ago. The Bible is a nice book to read if you like simple novels but I sincerely have my doubts if it will help you to become a better person. Even history has proven that it caused more harm than good. Crusades, pedophile priests, people dying on the stake and besides a few nuns who have basically nothing to say the church is ruled by men only. We’ve all been praying to the almighty God for changes but apparently he’s more a passive kind of creature. But let’s not blame it on the poor fella, human beings just keep on making the mistake to interpret every story in such a way that it suits their specific needs only. Some key figures in the history of mankind abused religion to divide and rule with just one goal, to become richer and more powerful themselves. Opium of the people, sounds familiar?


The thing is, we just love to classify. I belong to the Christian, European, Belgian, Flemish, middle-class population with blue’ish eyes and blonde hair, living in Antwerp. Luckily I grew up in a very open-minded environment that gave me the opportunity to meet black, brown, Asian, non-European people with brown eyes who believe in a different God than mine. It’s remarkable that I never noticed such great differences between the others and myself. With some personalities you get along and with others you don’t, it doesn’t matter to which “group” they belong or which religion they practice.

Free spirit

What I want to be is a free spirit, free of religion, free of borders that make me belong to a group. I want to be an open-minded, empathic person who cares for everything that our beautiful planet earth has to offer! I want to believe in the power of love and friendship because if I’d loose that belief, there’s nothing worth living for.

Image: Pinterest